Thursday, August 27, 2009

Well, I am in good spirits today because it is the beginning of my weekend! I am going to start writing more on my blog than I have been, because I figure thats a good idea. Its easier to remember everything when you write it down, and I want to remember my time here.

I am currently without access to any of my money, neither checking nor credit account. I have never had this problem, and frankly, I don't like it because I cannot freely spend like I have grown accostumed to doing in my comfortable lifestyle. I don't mean that to sound like I'm spoiled, but its true, so maybe I will learn something from this experience... :) Anyways, yesterday, at an ATM (the same one I have used many times now), the machine decided to eat my card "for security purposes." Now, I would understand this under certain circumstances (incorrect PIN, something like that...), but I was in the middle of a transaction, and afterwards the machine refused to give my card back. Pretty funny in retrospect, seeing as I exert tons of energy looking after my credit cards, passport, etc. making sure they don't get stolen, but then when I am actually using my card, a machine destroys it. Ironic.

Despite the bank situation, I had a great day! Some family from the states visited the house yesterday and it was a great excuse for all of us foreigners to speak English (there were some people who couldn't speak Spanish). Although, I think the best part was not being the most ignorant person in the room as far as languages go. That was really nice, becasue usually I am the one who is unaware of what's going on!

Nancy (Peruvian mother) taught me how to make rice pudding yesterday, and I helped make it for the family fiesta. I also got tricked into eat a few cow heart shish kabobs, which were not my favorite even before I knew what I was eating. After I knew what I was eating, it was even worse. I have also come to appreciate all eight million different kinds of potatoes they have here in Peru. Eight million is just an estimate, but I think I have tried them all, as I eat my fair share of potatoes everyday. My favorite potatoes are small, yellow, and they have bright pink spots. They are really cute, but I can't remember what they are called.

The weather is beginning to get a bit sunnier. The sun is really intense here, so when it is out, its very warm. What I love is that here I am during the day, in my tank top and sandals (because its 75 degrees, at least), and all the Peruvians are still head to toe in winter apparel, boots, heavy coats, scarves, etc. I know its technically winter and all, but its 75 degrees and sunny... To each their own.

I am travelling to Huaraz, Peru this weekend. Huaraz is a decet sized city up in the Andes. Really popular for hiking, backpaking, biking, altitude sickness, etc. This is Huaraz...

I am really excited because,

1. I love the mountains.
2. It will be really sunny and warm.
3. The air won't be polluted and I will be able to breathe.
4. On the 29th (two days from now), the moon and Mars are going to appear the same size in the sky (both really big near the equator!) and I will hopefully be able to see it really well from up in the mountains. (I'm not sure if this is happening in the northern hemisphere, too. Maybe!)
5. There will probably be llamas.

I will be travelling with Tito (Peruvian father), Eli (Peruvian sister), Reina (Japanese sister), and Kevin (fellow hooiser!). We are leaving tonight on a bus around 11pm, and we will arrive in Huaraz tomorrow morning around 6am. We will then have to rest and get acclimated to the altitude (10,000+ feet) for awhile before doing anything, especially hiking, biking, etc. I'm really looking forward to it, and I will take lots of pictures.

Finally, I can still see my Spanish really improving. Its becoming more natural. Today, I wrote an email to a friend in Spanish, and I hardly had to think about it. I'm still not exceptional by any means, but the best thing is that it seems like the times where it is most important to be able to communicate are the times where my Spanish is really good (like at the bank yesterday or when taking a taxi). That is a great feeling! However, the bad news is when I say something wrong, rather than my words just being wrong, they always seem to be wrong AND they translate as some innappropriate slang that I don't know... Of course! Luckily, its usually just around my family and they just laugh and correct me.

Here is a neat picture of a neighborhood in Lima. The Peruvian flag (red and white) is at the top, right by the cross. I took this picture from a park in the downtown area of Lima.

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